Belonging – What does it Cost?

Belonging – What does it Cost?

For most of my life, I have struggled with belonging. I so desperately wanted to belong and be liked and loved that I morphed myself to be who I thought everyone wanted or expected. The cost to me was great. I ended up morphing myself so much that I thought I could no...


I think the promises we make to ourselves are some of the most important there are. Yes, all promises are important but the ones we make to ourselves carry extra weight. I think it is easy to not carry through on and fulfill promises to ourselves because we put others...
Why Do We Second Guess Ourselves?

Why Do We Second Guess Ourselves?

Have you ever been doing something and think “oh my gosh did I do that right?” This happens to me. It used to be quite paralyzing. I would make myself crazy with the mental gymnastics of trying to figure out the exact right steps, the right words, the right whatever....


We have to matter on the inside. Mattering is not an outward concept. We have been taught when we outwardly matter that increases our value, our worth. But the reality is all of that has to be anchored, rooted, and known on the inside for us to feel valuable and...