Belonging – What does it Cost?

Belonging – What does it Cost?

For most of my life, I have struggled with belonging. I so desperately wanted to belong and be liked and loved that I morphed myself to be who I thought everyone wanted or expected. The cost to me was great. I ended up morphing myself so much that I thought I could no...
You are Mighty

You are Mighty

“You are mighty and magnificent beyond measure, grasshopper. You are meant to blossom into the fullest expression of your unique badassery.” Jen Sincero I quite like this quote as it hits home for me at the moment. Have you ever been going along and felt like...
Where do I fit?

Where do I fit?

Do you ever contemplate this question? I do. Typically it comes up when I’m battling my ego. I’ve spent most of my life wanting to fit in with whom I perceived as the “in crowd”. I’m not sure if they were the in-crowd but through my lens, everyone liked them and...