by Angela Wilson | Sep 23, 2024 | Uncategorised
Do you hold onto things? Do you dwell on them and let them run around in your head? I use to do this a lot. I did it because I was trying to get things right and I was so afraid of messing up that when I made a mistake I went over it and over it to see where I had...
by Angela Wilson | Sep 10, 2021 | Uncategorised
I didn’t start to try and protect myself and I didn’t intentionally at first start to integrate these layers into my being. Initially, it was more like I withdrew a bit as words and phrases pelted me like stones. Yes, I would lash back at times but most of the time...
by Angela Wilson | Sep 3, 2021 | Uncategorised
The layers we swirl ourselves into interweave and overlap. They cocoon us and make us feel safe. But as they thicken and mount, they dim us, shield us, bury us, until it’s hard to breathe. ~Angela Wilson Soldiers wear armour to protect themselves during battle. In...
by Angela Wilson | Nov 16, 2020 | Uncategorised
Do you ever have words that float through your mind? I do. It happens quite frequently actually. It’s the words that waft through that are the ones of particular interest to me as these are the ones that are coming from my inner knowing, my inner self. You may have...
by Angela Wilson | Nov 2, 2020 | Uncategorised
Is courage just a word we use to describe the people we think do extremely brave things? Until recently that’s the way I viewed it. I’ve had the word courageous used in reference to myself, but I didn’t feel it fit. You see I was using the word to relate to soldiers,...