by Angela Wilson | Jul 15, 2021 | Uncategorised
I’m doing this series in hopes that it assists you to see that we all have choices even if we don’t think we do at times. This is the third post in the series on choices. In this one, you will gain a view into a time when I started to realize I had choices. As...
by Angela Wilson | Jul 14, 2021 | Uncategorised
This is the second post in the series on Choices. As I mentioned at the end of the last post this one will take us through the next phase of life. Okay, let’s progress this one on a bit. Once you hit University/College you had a choice of which school you were going...
by Angela Wilson | Jul 13, 2021 | Uncategorised
I decided I would do a series of blog posts on choices. This is the first one in the series. I have discussed various times such things as the inner chatter in your mind, feeling like you don’t/didn’t fit in, shame, emotions, and self-worth to name a few....
by Angela Wilson | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorised
“You are mighty and magnificent beyond measure, grasshopper. You are meant to blossom into the fullest expression of your unique badassery.” Jen Sincero I quite like this quote as it hits home for me at the moment. Have you ever been going along and felt like...
by Angela Wilson | Oct 7, 2020 | Uncategorised
Have you ever wondered if your voice had a purpose all of its own? I believe it does and here’s why. In my view your voice allows others to experience the essence of you. Oh my gosh, what a scary thing right. For others to hear you and experience who you truly are....